
October 28, 2015


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Prepared by the good people at Random Walk, LLC. (and Scott)

Great Morning!

Closing Prices From Yesterday

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Yesterday and Today


Another quiet and down day for the market as a whole, but a LOT of volatility for individual names. The Dow closed down 41.62 and the SPX only down 5.29. The NASDAQ was about unchanged with the Comp down 4.56 but the QQQ up 0.23.

What is going on right now is the market is waiting on the Fed. The market also had its correction and subsequent bounce, so a little settling in is normal. At the same time the individual names going through earnings are having a wide move. WHY?

This earnings is a little strange. Analysts are using hyperbole to describe what they believe earnings are going to be. So stocks either have way better than realistic expectations (and then the stock falls), or they have estimations in the ground (and the stock runs up big).

We are also getting some weird news and plays by activists. Most people watching the markets know that VRX is going through rapid declines after Citron got short the market and THEN essentially said the company was a Ponzi Scheme. The stock then fell about 40% quickly.

It was announced yesterday that IBM is being investigated by the SEC for positing bogus record dates of sales. Here the stock fell 4% after the news.

I warned people last week to stay away from Twitter. Never has a company run by Jack Dorsey, a guy who looks like he should be on the road with ZZ Top every make money. The company released earnings after the bell yesterday and the stock fell 12%. Now Dorsey is a smart guy very smart, but he is also running 2 companies and it is my opinion that ONLY Elon Musk can do that.


It ALL depends on the Fed. Seriously. Two out of the last three FOMC meetings caused the market to drop 10%. Nothing the Fed said or did caused the drop, it was the psychotic manner in which they said it. I have been more coherent with a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) of 0.4.

What is Expected

People are expecting NO rise in interest rates, but mention that the Fed will likely raise rates in December. They are thinking this for no other reason than the Fed stating many months ago that they would likely raise rates by the end of the year, and December is the end of the year.

But then again the Fed said they would start raising rates when the unemployment number got below 7% and it is at 5% now. Well, not really. Donald Trump is claiming it is close to 40%, but I suspect it is closer to 15%. You see….politicians just rig the way these things are reported to that it looks like they are doing a good job.


(Be patient. There is a point to be made that takes a little explanation).

On Monday it was announced that Da Prez and John Boehner reached a budget deal to avert a shutdown. Well….. it turns out that the deal was conceived (metaphorically speaking) by John Boehner bending over and grabbing his ankles for the President. The deal would give Obama as much money as he wants to spend, and he likes spending more than all there past presidents combined (literally). The deal goes until 2017 when Obama leaves office.

This deal SUCKS and a few politicians may exercise a little morality. Remember what Henry Kissinger said: Ninety percent of all politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.

Now Obama gets all the money he can spend? Obama alone has racked up $33,000 in debit for every man, woman and child living in this country. So now everyone owes over $67,000, and that is not counting unfunded liabilities of the Fed, Social Security (which has no money), Medicare, and Medicaid. Everyone now owes over $400k a piece.

And it is certainly not going to the military or veterans, as they had their allowance cut.

TODAY the House votes on the deal. They are expecting it to go through unnoticed, but a fart in the movie theater always is noticed, even if you can not quite point to who did it.

This may be politicians last Bacchanalian orgy with your money before Trump or Carson get into the White House, so maybe they will pass it. But if they don’t, we will be out of money by Nov 3, unless Obama has another golf outing or trip to China, and then we get an unexpected government shutdown.

88% of people polled would be in favor of a government shut down now IF it stops the reckless spending. In the WTF column below is a list of stupid waste. My advice ā€“ don’t read it. It was painful enough to write it.

So be careful of three things:

  • A Fed surprise

  • A politician with a sense of decency may vote against giving out bank checks.

  • China, Russia, Iran firing on our ships or planes. NO ONE is afraid of the U S or Obama and they are willing to push things.

We have 3 Chinese ships in Florida harbors but when we get within 12 miles of China they threaten war. We should stop their Shan Zhai program and let them eat their led based paint food, breath their toxic air, and drink their chemically polluted water.

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83 Days Until Maui ā€“ Only a Couple of Seats Left

January 20, 21, 22

Free Dinner Cruise Thursday January 21

For more information on affordable hotels contact the office or watch the VIDEO with the following link:

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POT is held each Wednesday night at 7:00pm eastern.

Contract the office at 1- 855 ā€“ RWT ā€“ 0008 for more details.

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According to the Heritage Foundation, your tax dollars went to things like:

  • $5 BILLION to the Obamacare website that AAPL could have done for less than $100 million (1 / 50th ).

  • $2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.

  • Healthcare fraud costs $60 billion annually.

  • In 2009 the FCC spent $350,000 to sponsor NASCAR driver David Gilliand.

  • $500,000 for Alaska Airlines to paint a Chinook Salmon on their planes.

  • $7.8 billion in Iraq aid can not be accounted for.

  • In 2010 the National Institute of Health spent 442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam. This is particularly ironic since Elton John has already done that for free.

  • $800,000 was given in ā€œstimulus fundsā€ to study the impact of ā€œgenital-washing programā€ of men in Africa.

  • The government reported a couple days before 9/11 that they simply :lostā€ $1 trillion. But conveniently he war started and they didn’t have time to find it.

Too True To Be Funny

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Attorney StuffScreen Shot 2015-08-20 at 3.02.09 PM

DISCLAIMER (Seriously!)

Trading is almost as much fun as black jack in Vegas, but without all the annoying distractions of free drinks, Broadway shows, gorgeous people with low morals, and free buffets. It also has about the same odds of success, so when you lose all your money you wont have to walk past a smiling pit boss. Even Bruce Wayne lost everything with options in The Dark Knight Rises, and Superman keeps his day job at the Daily Planet newspaper.

We have the utmost respect for our attorneys who tell us any attempt to trade is throwing money out the window, and investing is risky business (still a great movie). Past performance doesnā€™t mean a thing. The future is even scarier. Random Walk and everyone associated with it promises absolutely nothing. We guarantee nothing. We wont ever do anything right unless it is an accident.

Random Walk only provides education (and a great cup of Starbucks if you visit our office). If you want advice please consult an attorney, licensed broker, Joe Kearnan, tax consultant, investment adviser, etc. Random Walk, LLC is full of morons, dolts, has-been(s), chromosome damaged individuals, thieves, losers, and carnival barkers. Any attempt to find a semblance of intelligence or integrity in Random Walk would be a waste of time. We will sell products, but advise against buying them. We Do Not Give Advice.

When reading this you acknowledge that you agree to hold harmless Random Walk, LLC, its employees, independent contractors, authors, managers, owner(s), spouses, children, cousins, friends, bail bondsmen, and favorite bartender. In fact, you agree to grow up, accept some responsibility for your own actions, and stop believing the media that sells you on how nothing is your fault. You further agree in the antiquated and lost values that America is the land of opportunity and not the land of handouts. You agree any loss in the markets is a result of your own actions as we told you NOT to trade without consulting someone other than us.

All paper trades are SOLELY for example and to illustrate how certain strategies could perform without the benefit of hindsight and back-testing. You agree NOT to trade based on anything we say, do, write, advertise, etc. If we were smart we would be teaching high-school math and making the really big bucks. You agree to abide by the laws of your country and that it is legal to accept this transmission.

Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, but we are clueless. As a result it would be foolish and impossible to assure the accuracy of any numbers and/or come close to writing a sentence that is grammatically correct. You agree not to get on our case emotionally, physically, spiritually (no Voodoo dolls please) or legally when we screw up. We are doing our best to keep up with evolution, but it is a fast race and we are falling behind. If any of this stuff is too hard to accept please let us know and we will remove you from our mailing list and short term memory.

Random Walk deeply cares about each and every student. We try to keep the selling of products to a minimum. We believe our students are a result of attraction rather than promotion. This does NOT mean that the more attractive you are, the more we promote ourselves (in general).

Our products are written ONLY by floor traders, fund managers and retired floor traders. But that really doesnā€™t mean much. They are expensive and unique. That does NOT mean they (materials) come on a tablet of concrete from Mt. Sinai. . If you are still reading this, you will likely be the first to have gotten this far. No guarantee for accuracy is made. Nothing we do is audited and we make no promise of accuracy.

Because of the proprietary nature of our materials and the ease of electronic copying, all sales are final. There are far too many people who have no problem stealing our materials and putting them on torrents or copying them. These are the same low-life, selfish, whining, half-wit hypocrites that would cry like a newborn with a wet diaper if someone stole their car radio. They have to pay for our materials before stealing them, and live with their karma (and our legal team). Yes, we have caught a few and now have one person working on detective work solely.

Sales are far from our largest concern. If you are a whiner, complainer, or generally unhappy with life please go to someone else in this industry who values money over happiness. We can point you in the direction of other firms that only care about the bottom and top line. Jerry Springer can also point you in the right direction. Besides whiners are a total distraction from the awesome group of students we are fortunate to have. We are truly blessed and thank them (provided that is fine with our lawyers). ā€œThank yousā€ are only handed out in countries where legal and void where prohibited. If your country does not allow ā€œthank yousā€ please refrain from accepting it. This disclaimer is copyright material and not a joke.

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October 22, 2015


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Prepared by the good people at Random Walk, LLC. (and Scott)

Great Morning!

Closing Prices From Yesterday

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Yesterday and Today

Yesterday and Today


It was a quiet, though strange day. The market opened higher with the SPX opening up +10 points. From thee the market sank to slightly below the unchanged line. The market then began to climb up higher again when Joe ā€œTouerettesā€ Biden announced he was not going to run for President, but was going to continue to run his mouth.

Though I listened to his speech, I really could not figure out what he was trying to say, and nether could the markets as they sat up +7 points in the SPX.

Once done Trump started to tweet that he was glad Biden was dropping out because Hillary is easier to defeat. Not to be ā€œout -Trumpedā€ by Trump, Hillary began tweeting that she was inspired by Biden’s speech. I think she was inspired by the fact that her only competition on the Democratic side is a socialist nut job. Again, the market didn’t seem to care.

Then all of a sudden VRX fell 40%. The stock fell from 148.66 to 88.50 before being halted. Rumor was that this was a Ponzi Scheme. In fact it was one ā€œactivistā€ group shorting the stock and spreading rumors to get a quick profit. At least that is what it seems like given the information on hand at the moment. After the stock reopened it went from $102 back to $125 before closing at $118.61.

But this movement was enough to spook the markets from+7 to close down -12, taking the Dow from a high of 17,314.99 to 17,168.61 (net ā€“ 48.50). This was all BS.


Unless something happens tonight to yet another company, I suspect the market will be up by the same the same amount or more than it was down.

Let’s see. Consumer Reports announces at the end of August that the TSLA is so great of a car that it can’t even rate it (Stock up >$18). Now less than 3 months later Consumer Reports announces that it is such a bad car with so many problems that it wont rate the car (stock down -$26).

Then Bill Ackman is long 5% of VRX shares and watches as a competitor takes down his stock in the same way he took down several names like Lumber Liquidators and Herbalife. Oh the irony. But Bill has balls, and went in and bought 2 million shares while the stock was falling.

It is reported that Ackman has 5% of the 342.79 M shares outstanding. That comes to 17,139,500 shares. With a fall from 148 to 88 we have a loss of $60 a share. Now, $60 a share times 17,139,500 comes to be 1.03Bln lost in 30 minutes. From there he has the balls to go in and buy another 2 million shares? My Man!

So it is becoming evident that there is more money to be made spreading rumors and creating lies in the market than there is investing. My guess is we will see more of this until someone goes to jail.

But we still should go higher until another rumor. The late day sell off was nothing but BS, and BS gets flushed. Iam just glad I didn’t have a position in this name where I stepped in the BS like I did the TSLA BS earlier.

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An exhaustive class BUT highly informative. We took a long vertical spread and looked at 13 different ways to spread the risk off. The next part of this will come in more advanced form, and then taking complex trades and doing the same thing

POT is held each Wednesday night at 7:00pm eastern.

Contract the office at 1- 855 ā€“ RWT ā€“ 0008 for more details.

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Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 3.50.41 AMToo True To Be Funny

Attorney StuffScreen Shot 2015-08-20 at 3.02.09 PM

DISCLAIMER (Seriously!)

Trading is almost as much fun as black jack in Vegas, but without all the annoying distractions of free drinks, Broadway shows, gorgeous people with low morals, and free buffets. It also has about the same odds of success, so when you lose all your money you wont have to walk past a smiling pit boss. Even Bruce Wayne lost everything with options in The Dark Knight Rises, and Superman keeps his day job at the Daily Planet newspaper.

We have the utmost respect for our attorneys who tell us any attempt to trade is throwing money out the window, and investing is risky business (still a great movie). Past performance doesnā€™t mean a thing. The future is even scarier. Random Walk and everyone associated with it promises absolutely nothing. We guarantee nothing. We wont ever do anything right unless it is an accident.

Random Walk only provides education (and a great cup of Starbucks if you visit our office). If you want advice please consult an attorney, licensed broker, Joe Kearnan, tax consultant, investment adviser, etc. Random Walk, LLC is full of morons, dolts, has-been(s), chromosome damaged individuals, thieves, losers, and carnival barkers. Any attempt to find a semblance of intelligence or integrity in Random Walk would be a waste of time. We will sell products, but advise against buying them. We Do Not Give Advice.

When reading this you acknowledge that you agree to hold harmless Random Walk, LLC, its employees, independent contractors, authors, managers, owner(s), spouses, children, cousins, friends, bail bondsmen, and favorite bartender. In fact, you agree to grow up, accept some responsibility for your own actions, and stop believing the media that sells you on how nothing is your fault. You further agree in the antiquated and lost values that America is the land of opportunity and not the land of handouts. You agree any loss in the markets is a result of your own actions as we told you NOT to trade without consulting someone other than us.

All paper trades are SOLELY for example and to illustrate how certain strategies could perform without the benefit of hindsight and back-testing. You agree NOT to trade based on anything we say, do, write, advertise, etc. If we were smart we would be teaching high-school math and making the really big bucks. You agree to abide by the laws of your country and that it is legal to accept this transmission.

Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, but we are clueless. As a result it would be foolish and impossible to assure the accuracy of any numbers and/or come close to writing a sentence that is grammatically correct. You agree not to get on our case emotionally, physically, spiritually (no Voodoo dolls please) or legally when we screw up. We are doing our best to keep up with evolution, but it is a fast race and we are falling behind. If any of this stuff is too hard to accept please let us know and we will remove you from our mailing list and short term memory.

Random Walk deeply cares about each and every student. We try to keep the selling of products to a minimum. We believe our students are a result of attraction rather than promotion. This does NOT mean that the more attractive you are, the more we promote ourselves (in general).

Our products are written ONLY by floor traders, fund managers and retired floor traders. But that really doesnā€™t mean much. They are expensive and unique. That does NOT mean they (materials) come on a tablet of concrete from Mt. Sinai. . If you are still reading this, you will likely be the first to have gotten this far. No guarantee for accuracy is made. Nothing we do is audited and we make no promise of accuracy.

Because of the proprietary nature of our materials and the ease of electronic copying, all sales are final. There are far too many people who have no problem stealing our materials and putting them on torrents or copying them. These are the same low-life, selfish, whining, half-wit hypocrites that would cry like a newborn with a wet diaper if someone stole their car radio. They have to pay for our materials before stealing them, and live with their karma (and our legal team). Yes, we have caught a few and now have one person working on detective work solely.

Sales are far from our largest concern. If you are a whiner, complainer, or generally unhappy with life please go to someone else in this industry who values money over happiness. We can point you in the direction of other firms that only care about the bottom and top line. Jerry Springer can also point you in the right direction. Besides whiners are a total distraction from the awesome group of students we are fortunate to have. We are truly blessed and thank them (provided that is fine with our lawyers). ā€œThank yousā€ are only handed out in countries where legal and void where prohibited. If your country does not allow ā€œthank yousā€ please refrain from accepting it. This disclaimer is copyright material and not a joke.

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