Tuesday March 4, 2014
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Condors, Iron Condors, Iron Cockroaches and Unbalanced Condors all included!
March 15.
Holy Cow, that is less than 2 weeks away,
and it is almost already filled up.
I actually am starting to feel sorry for Obama. Why?
But so long as Kerry keeps his mouth shut, Obama keeps his mouth shut, and McCain stops coming up with his whacky Vietnam era ideas, this whole mess in the Ukraine should pass.
The Dow closed down a measly 153.68 points at 16,168.03
This is actually a very strong showing considering Obama is single handed trying to get us into a cold war again after we won the previous round. The Dow was down roughly 250 points at one point until Obama stated his plans include “strong economic sanctions”. Big deal. We don’t give Russia anything to start with, so what is a 100% reduction of $0.00?
AAPL closed up 1.52 at $527.76 after announce they have a few high end car companies that they are going to wire for hands-free iPhone adaptability.
The VIX closed up 2.00 even at 16% even.
POT people, we sold a little volatility yesterday to get some short volatility on the sheets. More is likely coming today, depending on the news and markets.
The TLT closed up 0.73 at 109.03.
The ETF was up 0.59 most of the day and made the final push on the close. All of this was related to a flight to safety until things in Russia calm down.
GLD = closed up 2.67 at 130.29
SLV = closed up 0.27 at 20.62
I stated yesterday that the metals would take off like a rocket, and they did. Spot gold closed above 1,350, a key level of resistance that was broken.
Tesla closed up 5.75 at 250.56
POT people…..When the stock opened down $10 points lower we bought call spreads and sold put spreads to pay for them (selling a risk reversal) to hedge out long risk reversal. We now have on two large condors with an extra downside kicker. Graph Below:
Rick Santelli can take the day off!
I am not going to beat the subject into the ground. It is obvious what happened – amateur politics.
I am not McCain’s biggest fan – but when a man is right, he is right.
Now that Obama has painted himself into a corner AGAIN, I suspect we will start to see some sort of media diversionary tactics to take our minds off the weakness our President has constantly shown. Don’t belittle the President….this is not the feeble Jedi- Mind-Trick. This is much more powerful and comes in three phases. ONE- Blame Bush. TWO – Discuss something mundane in a very sobering and intense tone. THREE – Never bring it up again.
So we will likely open higher today because Obama’s plan to retaliate against Russia is to not show up at the G7 meeting. Very tough stance. But in fact there is not much he can do, so he should have kept his Presidential Pie Hole shut in the first place.
Obama said, yesterday, “ What can not be done is for Russia with impunity to put its soldiers on the ground and violate basic principles that are recognized around the world”. I have NO IDEA what that means, but I can guess.
This means he is wiggling out of his previous statement (where he warned Russia not to go into the Ukraine or face strict costs, just like he warned Russia of grave consequences for not returning Snowden) He will ignore the fact that he made a previous statement warning Russia of “severe costs”, and then the smoke screen comes up.
My guess is the snow storm on the east coast makes for a good tangent. Darn…can’t…. that is over with. Hmmmmm…. Delaware declared a state of emergency a few hours ago and closed the schools today because temperatures are dropping to 19* Fahrenheit – or as they say in Canada and Chicago – swim wear weather!
What is frustrating is that the American people are so BONE STUPID that they don’t even remember the events three weeks later (let alone 3 hours), so this mental hypnosis actually works on those requiring Chaptstick ™ to get through a 5 page newspaper article. THUS, the markets will start to climb back higher a little tomorrow.
The one thing that will disrupt this run higher is guns going off in the Ukraine. So far it seems many in the Ukraine military are voluntarily shifting sides to Russia. Two Ukraine ships, the last of about a dozen, were boarded by a Russian military commander. He told the Ukraine soldiers they could keep their weapons, but had to know what side they were on. So it seems like gun shots are not likely at this time if that mood is indicative of what is really going on there.
It is like America surrendering to Canada. We know nothing would change except less politicians and FREE healthcare. Oh, and a stronger currency with less government debt. We should actually invite them over. Have to run to the mall and purchase a white flag. See you after the open.
New POT people. Keep in mind that new people are always lost for a while. You are coming to a movie that has been going on for a while, so it will take a few days to catch up to the plot and characters.
POT and Maui People…..Selling Premium Today as promised in Maui.
Sold some yesterday.
Locked in TSLA risk reversal
Will try RSX trade again.
Too True To Be Funny
(Never a joke, but always funny)
____ ____ ____
And this didn’t take long…..
But is was Bush’s fault, so stop picking on Obama please.
Attorney Stuff
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