

It is amazing how on up days everyone on TV is bullish. The next day the market is down and most people are saying the end of the world is here. Too Humorous.

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POT PEOPLE; Must Read Below

It was a great testimony to the hedge yesterday. All month we have been wanting to have 200 long SPX deltas and a hedge that will make money on the way down ā€“ not just protect.

Below is the PNL for yesterday. Keep in mind that we have some real big hedges below that didn’t even blow up yet, but will if the markets continue to fall. The positions lost about $2k but the hedges made about $8k. Exactly what we were trying to attempt. And if we crashed we wanted to make 50-100% on the account, but the markets were down less than <2%.Ā 

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Fun Times!

Closing Prices From YesterdayĀ 

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This is not all of the earnings, rather a small portion that Random Walk has been watching in POT.


Yesterday And today


Kaboom….Someone sat on a whoopee cushion and everyone was looking for someone to blame.

Was it the Argentinian bond default? (No). Was is the Ukraine (No). Did a foreign event happen that we didn’t hear about? (No). Did everyone in the Congress and Senate get re-elected? (No). Did ISIS gain control over the last 50 feet of Iraq? (No). Could it be that the media started to report honestly instead of from their own unique whacky liberal bias? (No). Did Yellen Raise interest rates? (No. The fed can’t afford higher rates).

It was just the day for the markets to fall. Relax people. The SPX was in a 39 point range all month. We have had positive market gains for the last 6 months in a row. Mind numbing complacency has set in as anal-cysts on television have foretasted everything from Dow 10,000 to 30,000. The problem is one of those predictions will eventually be right, but all the wrong ones are still invited back next week to explain why they were wrong (ā€œNobody told me that the Fed was going to……ā€).

We have 2% moves often ā€“ just not of late. And when we are this high the numbers are big. When the Dow was at 9,000 a 2% move was 180 points. Up here a 2% move is closer to 340 points. Besides it was bound to happen when Obama was on TV bragging about yesterday’s 4% GDP number ā€“ like restrictive legislation and government oversight had anything to contribute in a positive way.


Huge Numbers Today and All Day!

How cool would it be if we fell another 2% today! !

Oh, your just a casual reader and not hedged? That’s fine. The Dow is only 600 points off its highs. There is still time to get hedged before the BIG ONE comes. But remember, you could not get flood insurance in New Orleans too easy after the levy broke.

I would actually be surprised if this is the BIG ONE. It wouldn’t upset me. And in all honesty it would surprise me since we got such a week move higher at the top.Ā 

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POT is held each Wednesday night at 7:00pm eastern.

Contract the office at 1- 855 ā€“ RWT ā€“ 0008 for more details.


Too True To Be Funny

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Amazing. I thought the only words she knew where ā€œWhat kind of inside information do you have for me to trade on today?ā€Ā 

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Attorney Stuff


DISCLAIMER (Seriously!)

Trading is almost as much fun as black jack in Vegas, but without all the annoying distractions of free drinks, Broadway shows, gorgeous people with low morals, and free buffets. It also has about the same odds of success, so when you lose all your money you wont have to walk past a smiling pit boss. Even Bruce Wayne lost everything with options in The Dark Knight Rises, and Superman keeps his day job at the DailyPlanet newspaper.

We have the utmost respect for our attorneys who tell us any attempt to trade is throwing money out the window, and investing is risky business (still a great movie). Past performance doesnā€™t mean a thing. The future is even scarier. Random Walk and everyone associated with it promises absolutely nothing. We guarantee nothing. We wont ever do anything right unless it is an accident.

Random Walk only provides education (and a great cup of Starbucks if you visit our office). If you want advice please consult an attorney, licensed broker, Joe Kearnan, tax consultant, investment adviser, etc. Random Walk, LLC is full of morons, dolts, has-been(s), chromosome damaged individuals, thieves, losers, and carnival barkers. Any attempt to find a semblance of intelligence or integrity in Random Walk would be a waste of time. We will sell products, but advise against buying them. We Do Not Give Advice.

When reading this you acknowledge that you agree to hold harmless Random Walk, LLC, its employees, independent contractors, authors, managers, owner(s), spouses, children, cousins, friends, bail bondsmen, and favorite bartender. In fact, you agree to grow up, accept some responsibility for your own actions, and stop believing the media that sells you on how nothing is your fault. You further agree in the antiquated and lost values that America is the land of opportunity and not the land of handouts. You agree any loss in the markets is a result of your own actions as we told you NOT to trade without consulting someone other than us.

All paper trades are SOLELY for example and to illustrate how certain strategies could perform without the benefit of hindsight and back-testing. You agree NOT to trade based on anything we say, do, write, advertise, etc. If we were smart we would be teaching high-school math and making the really big bucks. You agree to abide by the laws of your country and that it is legal to accept this transmission.

Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, but we are clueless. As a result it would be foolish and impossible to assure the accuracy of any numbers and/or come close to writing a sentence that is grammatically correct. You agree not to get on our case emotionally, physically, spiritually (no Voodoo dolls please) or legally when we screw up. We are doing our best to keep up with evolution, but it is a fast race and we are falling behind. If any of this stuff is too hard to accept please let us know and we will remove you from our mailing list and short term memory.

Random Walk deeply cares about each and every student. We try to keep the selling of products to a minimum. We believe our students are a result of attraction rather than promotion. This does NOT mean that the more attractive you are, the more we promote ourselves (in general).

Our products are written ONLY by floor traders, fund managers and retired floor traders. But that really doesnā€™t mean much. They are expensive and unique. That does NOT mean they (materials) come on a tablet of concrete from Mt. Sinai. . If you are still reading this, you will likely be the first to have gotten this far. No guarantee for accuracy is made. Nothing we do is audited and we make no promise of accuracy.

Because of the proprietary nature of our materials and the ease of electronic copying, all sales are final. There are far too many people who have no problem stealing our materials and putting them on torrents or copying them. These are the same low-life, selfish, whining, half-wit hypocrites that would cry like a newborn with a wet diaper if someone stole their car radio. They have to pay for our materials before stealing them, and live with their karma (and our legal team). Yes, we have caught a few and now have one person working on detective work solely.

Sales are far from our largest concern. If you are a whiner, complainer, or generally unhappy with life please go to someone else in this industry who values money over happiness. We can point you in the direction of other firms that only care about the bottom and top line. Jerry Springer can also point you in the right direction. Besides whiners are a total distraction from the awesome group of students we are fortunate to have. We are truly blessed and thank them (provided that is fine with our lawyers). ā€œThank yousā€ are only handed out in countries where legal and void where prohibited. If your country does not allow ā€œthank yousā€ please refrain from accepting it. This disclaimer is copyright material and not a joke.